15 January 2008


I still haven’t received my ATM card from SABB. I called the 800 number and they told me that they mailed my card on 7 January. I guess I have to be patient when it comes to this coz I don’t have a choice. What bothers me though is that I received my bank statement yesterday and it was sent on 16 January (about a week later when they sent my ATM card).

Jason from Jubail might lose his job in the establishment that he’s working. The good thing is that his boss is willing to transfer his sponsorship. He’s the classic example of the migrant worker who receives their salary through ATM. It’s the ATM that stands for After Three Months. In short, their companies release their salaries after three months.

I received an SMS from my good friend and batch mate Joyce. She said that she has a confirmed flight come Sunday to Barbados via London Heathrow. She will work in an exclusive cruise liner in the Caribbean. I am very happy for her. Joyce, please don’t forget to send emails.

I received the course materials for the Strategic Marketing seminar and the certificates today. Boss blamed me for not inviting Bara in the course. I know that boss totally forgot about him. MBM’s not included in our initial list. I actually noticed that his name wasn’t there but I purposely excluded him. Reason: I DON’T LIKE HIM. I wonder how he found out about the course.

In the eyes of MBM I was at fault since Boss actually stormed into my office and scolded me for not including MBM’s name. I am use to this kind of situation since I am always my boss’ shock absorber. What I did was I apologized to boss and MBM and then confirmed his attendance. LOL. I’m pretty sure that Christine Sharp of IIR is already irritated by the late cancellations and additions.

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