Ilonggo sa Desyerto (Ilonggo in the Desert) – A blog containing insights, opinion and analysis by the author on life, work, religion and events he personally experienced.
29 December 2008
Full Circle
Oriental belief teaches us that we have to suffer difficulties, experience joy, another set back before we achieve total happiness. It’s a cycle that we have to go through because we need to learn a lesson from it. The current crisis that we are experiencing right now is just a cycle. Oil prices that went up did come down. It’s the law of nature that whatever goes up must come down, eventually.
22 December 2008
RP the deadliest place for journalists
It’s alright for CPJ to report such killings but they should know why these journalists are killed in the first place. Filipino journalists thinks that having a FREE country means they are entitled to say what they want to say and destroy other people’s character. The libel law is not properly implemented. There are no recent reports and statistics that suggest that people filing cases against these journalists are prospering. There’s even a new ruling under SC that says ‘Libel sentence for journalist must be commuted’. In that case, victims of these abusive and irresponsible journalists have nowhere to turn to, not even the law. When the victims are desperate and have nowhere to turn to, they will resort to extra judicial killings.
I am an advocate of free journalism with boundaries. Journalist should follow the law and ethical standards befitting a journalist. They should never resort to character assassinations. Irresponsible and greedy journalists have no place in our society. I couldn’t care less if they’re eliminated, even through extra judicial killing.
17 December 2008
Pinoy Org Abroad
According to the by laws of the Org, the 12 BOD are automatically in contention for the Presidential and other posts. The Mr. Popular who was popular amongst the Org members turned out to be unpopular to the old dogs. He ended up not winning any position at all since nobody nominated during the BOD election. The whole group was against Mr. Popular because he’s young and idealistic.
When Mr. Popular was accused by somebody who’s an adopted member of the Org (Let’s call him Mr. Singing Bee), the whole group turned their back on Mr. Popular. The group pressured Mr. Popular into admitting guilt without a due process. Mr. Popular stood his ground and was never affected by the pressure. They blindly believe what Mr. Singing Bee told them without hearing Mr. Popular’s side of the story. In the end Mr. Popular realized that the Org is not worth it. He finally resigned as the member of the BOD. He was thankful that he learned early on that he really doesn’t need popularity and recognition. He finished his contract, exited the kingdom and resumed his banking career in the Philippines. Mr. Singing Bee on the other hand, who was so arrogant, was terminated from his job.
Mr. Popular was promising but the old dogs in the Org are threatened by him. He’s fresh and he symbolizes change. I still believe that regardless of what the people do to you, they can never really bring you down unless you allow them to. Mr. Popular was smart enough not to be affected. He knows that he’s stronger that what others think.
Misa de Gallo
I have a fond memory of the ‘Simbang Gabi’ as a child. I would often try to complete the 9 day dawn mass because of the belief that wishes could come true. The belief is childish and innocent. We should cherish this value and do away with the materialistic Christmas.
Hail to Muntadar Al Zeidi
Meanwhile, some journalist present during the press conference stood up to apologize. Bush however said that he isn’t bothered by Muntadar’s gesture. Al Bagdhdadia Channel, Al Zeidi’s network was unapologetic about Zeidi’s behavior. They were only pressing for the release of Zeidi as they are afraid of his safety in the hands of the Iraqi authority.
“It serves him right” those are the words that I hear from all my Saudi friends. I totally agree with them and I can’t blame them for saying that. In fact, George Bush deserved more than that. Barack Obama and the United Nations should consider filing a case against him for war crimes and genocide. He is responsible for the quagmire that Iraqi people are experiencing right now.
Zeidi became an overnight sensation in the Arab World. He became a hero by standing up to what he believed in. To Muntadar Al Zeidi, you make your people and the whole world proud of you. Kudos!
Another Sea Tragedy
Our government should regulate the operations of these vessels if it intends to see an end to maritime disaster. It should prevent disaster from happening rather than resort to rescue missions which often have many casualties. The death of the Twenty three (23) passengers means sad Christmas for their families.
03 December 2008
Thai court ruling brings down government
Flight cancellations resulted to loss in profit for the Thai tourism industry. The instability of the fragile Kingdom is expected because People Power Party has a mass base in the rural area of the country.
Anti Thaksin believed that the mass could not be trusted to elect national leaders since their votes can be bought and manipulated. They are suggesting that MPs must be appointed by the King instead.
Thailand is in serious trouble because people are divided by their loyalty to their King and to Thaksin and his party. The insurgency in the southern part of Thailand composed mostly of the Muslim population is exhausting the resources of the kingdom. Thailand is a country that mainly depends on the tourism industry. The recent surge in instability of the country is not a welcome development. It also undermined the democratic selection of leaders since the suggestion of anti-Thaksin faction of appointing MPs could mean no elections.
29 November 2008
Iloilo City earns Php 30 Million in ICT Industry
I know somebody who is currently employed by the call center operating in Iloilo City. The outsourcing industry maybe at risk once Barack Obama takes office. One of Obama’s economic programs is to bring back the jobs to the states.
Secularism and Dureza’s Prayer
The violent reaction to Secretary Dureza’s prayer is a sign that now is the time right for the Charter Change. Charter Change should solve this prayer fiasco. A clear cut guideline should be imposed in the Constitution that should declare our country as a secular state. In a secular state, prayers are not anymore allowed in public institutions. Secularism works well in Turkey and there’s no doubt that it will work in the Philippines. It would also stop the hypocrite CBCP, Priest and Catholic Church in meddling with the affairs of the state. A strict penalty should be imposed for those who violate the secularism. Secularism is the only way forward.
Rice lauds PGMA
It’s irritating to hear fake pleasantries but so be it. Filipinos has this tendency of being grateful for all the things they received for free. What they never realize is that for America, nothing is for free.
Bush will leave the oval office but I don’t see any drastic or 360 degree change in American foreign policy. The only thing we expect is the enthronement of Hillary Clinton at the US State Department. I am hoping that she’d make a very big difference.
18 November 2008
Villar Ousted as Senate President
Presidentiables in the senate opted to remove Villar in order to make sure that he will not use the senate resources in his campaign for 2010. Villar will not be affected by his removal in the office as he has the money to fund the campaign. What I am not sure though, is if he can muster enough support from the public to win the election. I still believe that Noli de Castro is the guy to beat in 2010.
15 November 2008
PGMA snubbed by Obama
As courtesy protocol, a world leader like PGMA must send out congratulatory filler for all the newly elected Presidents / Prime Ministers or newly crowned monarchs. It’s sad that the symbolic call was snubbed. PGMA should never initiate a call again. She already made the gesture and that’s the end of it.
Obama’s snobbery only means one thing and I’m right all along. Third World countries do not matter to him. His election as the new President in the United States doesn’t mean 360 degrees turn in their foreign policy. Obama could have used PGMAs call in order to assure her that he will restore US goodwill among nations. This is where Obama and Hillary Clinton differ. Hillary Clinton has an impressive resume in foreign policy. Unfortunately, the Democrats choose to ignore it.
Annulment Issues in the Philippines
Russians in Bora
DOT should encourage Russians to stay longer since the Ati Ati Festival in Kalibu and Dinagyang in Iloilo falls in the Third and Fourth Sundays of January. Russians should be able to experience the festival first hand. Word of mouth advertising is more effective than spending on Ads that is not likely to reach the targeted market.
11 November 2008
Lindsay Lohan admits being in a Lesbian Relationship
It shouldn’t be an issue whether a person likes a guy or a girl as long as he is comfortable with it. Homosexuality issue is still taboo in our society. Let’s just hope that our people will mature and learn to be tolerant.
Mahogany Trees Uprooted in Dumangas
Supreme Court Vacancies in 2009
The opposition and the so called ‘civil society’ are now questioning PGMAs choices. Well, they can shout and protest all they want but the reality is, PGMA has the appointing power. Whatever her choices are will be placed in the highest court of the land.
The Philippine constitution provides for the process of selecting justices for the Supreme Court. It starts with the screening of each applicant until they’re short listed to five. The Judicial Bar Council will select three to be presented to the President. The president will then select one out of the three nominees.
The selection of new sets of Justices should be above politics. The appointment is very crucial since it will affect the lives of the Filipino people. We all know that PGMA, given her sincerity and work ethics will only put people who are competent and with unquestionable integrity and credibility. Let’s support PGMA on whoever she appoints in the Supreme Court.
Luli got married
The media wanted to get a glimpse of the ceremony but were barred from entering the venue in Tagaytay. Earlier, RG Cruz of ABS CBN News received a note from Luli saying that she’d rather talk about her involvement in the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and her charitable works rather than herself.
Best wishes to Luli and her Congratulations to her new husband. Her parents are certainly proud of her.
Psychological Testing for the would be priests
Homosexuality has been pinpointed as the culprit of scandals that rock the Universal Church worldwide. A documented report says that 80-90% of abusive priests have maintained sexual relationships with adolescent boys.
It is sad that CBCB is more concerned about the politics and their personal agendas. They CBCP became a good example of hypocrisy because they choose to overlook the sexual abuses of their priests. They are only good in condemning the politicians when they themselves are sinners. CBCP should be more concerned of the spiritual needs of their religious flock. We should not wonder why people are leaving the church. They wanted enlightenment but are only disappointed every time they hear a mass because the priest are politicking.
10 November 2008
Inday Miriam lost her ICJ bid
Bali Bombers Executed
The terrorist express no remorse while they were being executed. For them, execution means martyrdom. The execution of the terrorists sent mixed emotions throughout the world.
04 November 2008
I Won!
Survey Says
America Votes
I don’t like Obama so I’m hoping that John McCain wins. If Obama loses, Hillary’s status in the Democratic Party will be cemented. She will be DNCs presidential nominee on 2012.
21 October 2008
Iloilo City Hall to be moved to Mandurriao
Calle Real has a very soft spot in my heart. It is where my friends and I nurtured our friendship. I remember walking and buying most of my stuffs at school when I was still studying at Sun Yat Sen High school. For the information of my non Ilonggo readers, Calle Real covers the Streets of JM Basa, Aldeguer, Iznart, Guanco and a portion of Ledesma.
In my opinion, Mayor TreƱas should push through with the move. Iloilo City is a first class city and should think of the long term projects that would benefit its people. The present City Hall is dilapidated and doesn’t help much in the image that we want to project in the outside world. To move forward, we need to embrace the new things in order for us to achieve our goal of being “The next big thing”.
Chinese Leader Admits Liability to Milk Scandal
I was in the Philippines when that incident happened and as always, the media exaggerated the news. The degree of exaggeration can be compared to that of the 9/11 attack. News organization in the Philippines always resorts to tabloid reporting.
20 October 2008
Nutritional Content on Fast Food Chain Menus and Menu Board
Consumers often failed to put importance on the nutritional contents of the food that they’re eating. The bill aims to promote awareness when eating at the restaurant. Fast food is often blamed for the increasing rate of Obesity in our country.
The intention of the law is very noble but I have a big doubt that it can be implemented. Filipinos are known for being ningas cogon, They’ll only embrace the idea when it’s new. We are the captains of our souls and our health is our primary concern. If we are disciplined enough, we don’t need laws to guide us on our choices.
WB offers funding for RP projects
To counter the damaging effects and influence of the World Bank (and the west), South American countries headed by Venezuela established Bank of the South. South American countries should be applauded for their courage in standing up against the US / World Bank.
The Philippines and other developed countries should establish a new bank identical to the Bank of the South where the interest of the poor state will be taken care of. Our country should stand up against the World Bank and its imperialistic behavior. Let’s follow the lead of Venezuela and other Latin American States.
14 October 2008
The dilapidated NAIA
If you are arriving in Manila, you will see NAIAs shabbiness. The rains have damaged the stone walls and algae (LUMOT in Hiligaynon) grow everywhere. MIA did not even try to repaint it. The immigration officers are arrogant and very intimidating. When you’re in the baggage claim area, you will see a lot of NAIA/MIA employees who would try to assist you, even without your consent but expects you to pay them. The arrival area is not well lighted especially the bus stop area where you ride for your connecting flight.
If you are leaving the country, you’ll encounter the arrogant ground staffs of the airlines. When you look up, you’ll see that the gypsum boards have not been replaced for more than 10 years or so. There are leaks and discoloration in it. You’ll also notice that the carpet is very old. NAIAs Toilets are the worst airport toilets in the world.
The MIA should seriously think of renovating the place. SM Malls are well maintained than the NAIA. The terminal fees that they collected should be enough to cover the renovation. If you’re a Filipino and had seen airports around the world, you’ll surely be embarrassed of NAIA. Our airport represents us. It should be our pride. MIA should renovate and maintain it.
Janina San Miguel Renounces her Crown
Reports say that Janina’s reason for renouncing her crown was the untimely demise of her grandfather. Talaga lang ha? A lot of Filipinos raised their eyebrows of Janina’s reason for resigning. Come on, thousands of young ladies would die to have a Bb Pilipinas title. Nasa sa iyo na, pinakawalan mo pa! Janina may have been pressured to resign by the BPCI. She’s probably too dumb and too difficult to train.
Well, Janina’s loss is Danielle CastaƱos gain. CastaƱo, though born and raised in the US has some English blunder too. She was quoted as saying “I'm very proud that I was choosed (sic) by Mrs. Araneta." In her interview with GMA7 CastaƱo sounded guilty. I think she knows that she’ll be replacing Janina and that she didn’t get the crown fair and square.
I’m still confused about the BPCIs succession process. In 1998, Tisha Silang resigned and the first runner up Jewel May Lobaton (Bacolod City) was crowned Bb Pilipinas Universe. The following year (1999), Janelle Bautista was dethroned and was replaced by Miriam Quiambao (Originally, Bb Pilipinas World), moved Lalaine Edson from Bb Pilipinas International to Bb Pilipinas World. They then crowned Georgina Sandico as Bb Pilipinas International. Sandico was not even a runner up in the 1999 Bb Pilipinas Pageant.
Today there’s another vacancy but surprise! Surprise!, BPCI did not moved Bb Pilipinas International to Miss World. Danielle CastaƱo should only get the Bb Pilipinas International crown and not the Bb Pilipinas World.
Anyways, let’s just look forward to the 58th Edition of Miss World in South Africa. Let’s support our newly crowned Bb Pilipinas World – Danielle CastaƱo.
13 October 2008
Teehanke Released from Prison
The Hultmans are the victims and they deserved justice. They got the justice that they deserved when Claudio Teehankee was convicted of the crime and served 17 years in the prison. The Hultmans agreed with the Teehankee family in the court supervised settlement they signed on 19 November 1999. They agreed that they will not object to the application of commutation of sentence and parole of Claudio Teehankee. They were also paid the whooping amount of Php 6,964,000 in cash.
The lawyers of Claudio Teehankee applied at BPP. The name of Claudio Teehankee was published on 6 Feb 2004, as required by law for the victim’s family to know about the application. The victim’s family could also move to block the parole. On 30 Sep 2008, PGMA signed the commutation of Claudio Teehankee’s commutation. Legally, the Hultman’s could not contest the parole given by PGMA. Sec. Raul Gonzalez was right that the Hultmans are suffering from amnesia as they agreed on 1999 not contest Teehankee’s application to the BPP.
I pity the Hultmans since no amount of money could compensate the life of their daughter. However, justice has been served. Claudio Teehankee had paid his dues to the society. At 67, he doesn’t much time to live. When he dies, he will still pay for his debt not on this earth but to his Maker.
OFWs and Economic Downturn
While at the NAIA and during my travel to Bahrain (I flew with GF MNL-BAH-DMM), a lot of OFWs on flight talked about their contract and their jobs abroad. Most of those who boarded the plane are working in the Middle East and in Europe. Most of them like me are happy about our situation abroad. There were no talks about global financial crisis and that kind of stuff. OFWs are more worried about their lost income while they took their vacation.
The OFWs should not worry about economic downturn especially if they’re based in the Middle East. Often overlooked but the Middle East has the most stable economy in the world. Although most of the countries in the GCC have diversified into post oil industries, oil is still pumping money into their economy. OFWs should not feel insecure about their jobs. If you’re in the Gulf, you’re very safe.
The Philippine economy will slow down according to NEDA but won’t fall.
Greed caused the Global Financial Crisis
A lot of people wondered why a great majority of Filipinos are nonchalant about this Global Financial Crisis. Well, when you’re born poor and poor for the rest of your life, you haven’t really experienced grandiose. Although you dreamed of being rich, you haven’t experienced living comfortably so you’re not affected or even scared by this economic collapse. Ang pinakakawawa or the most affected will be those who are rich who haven’t experienced living in poverty.
The lessons that the US financial institutions should follow is MODERATE YOUR GREED. If possible, try to practice ISLAMIC BANKING. Islamic Banking is Ideal as it doesn’t exploit people. They don’t put too much interest on loans; it’s HARAM to do that.
17 September 2008
RP can withstand global economic meltdown
This is the kind of news I want to hear from RP. I hate it when the irresponsible media and opposition throw baseless accusations and unfounded allegations to PGMA. They obviously wanted PGMA to be perceived as corrupt by demonizing her. It’s because they couldn’t put down PGMA on her performance, policies and programs which are generally good.
CA junks Lozada’s kidnapping claim
People had enough of Jun Lozada’s lies. He acted as if he’s holier than the rest but really, he’s guilty of several cases of graft and corruption. You can’t fool the justices, they know if the person is genuine or just pretending to be one.
15 September 2008
Thai Premier Sacked
This is the beauty of having a parliamentary system of government. The prime minister can be removed not with the dramatic street protest, coup de etat or impeachment move. All they have to do is to have a vote of confidence / no confidence and wallah! The nation will never suffer from destructive and disrupted opposition politicians.
This is precisely the reason why the Philippines should amend it’s ageing charter so we can move forward.
Illinois Court says no to Lechon
Laws are laws in other countries and Filipinos should follow whatever the laws are. It’s not like he’s in the Philippines where he could do anything he wants. This would serve a lesson to all Filipino lechon makers.
Chavez and Morales Expelled US Ambassadors
The United States is known for being a dubious country that would do all things possible to advance their interests. The CIA has been linked to funding insurgencies to destabilize the countries that do not support them in several instances.
We need world leaders like Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez who have the guts to say no to US Imperialism.
10 September 2008
Nokor’s Kim Jong il is ill
Politicians around the world are now speculating who’s going to replace Kim Jong Il in the event of his death. Nokor is a reclusive country. Reports about the country are filtered by their news agency. It is also very dependent to the aids sent by China and their Southern brothers.
Peso smuggled out of the Country
It was reported that the Presidential Anti Smuggling Group (PASG) was able to arrest the people behind the smuggling of Php 300 Million worth of Peso coins. The smugglers are planning to send the coins to Korea. The agency is also planning to investigate bank employees who they said are also involved in the smuggling.
30 August 2008
PGMA, 41st in Forbes list of Powerful Women
I don’t know the criteria for the selection of World’s Powerful Women. Any magazine could make their own list with their own criteria. If the list is published in the local magazine, no one would even mind it.
John McCain announced pick for Veep
Palin will appeal to Hillary Clinton supporters who would not vote for Obama. She is a woman and at 44 is younger than Obama. Palin in her acceptance speech acknowledged Hillary Clinton’s 18 Million votes and Clinton’s effort to break the glass ceiling for women in politics.
It would be a surprise if McCain-Palin tandem would not win the November presidential election. Like the rest of Hillary Clinton supporter, I am still bitter of Hillary’s failure to clinch the Democratic Nomination. Hillary was also disrespected by the Democratic Party officers. If I could, like the rest of Hillary’s supporters, I’ll vote for the GOP bets. I’ve already reached the point where I want to enjoy my BITTERNESS.
Hillary Clinton’s showing at the Democratic Nomination process just show how formidable she is as a candidate. She may not have won the nomination but her status in the Democratic Party is cemented.
27 August 2008
Iloilo City Redistricting Bill
The redistricting bill of Iloilo City however has opposition. A group of lawyers and ex-politicians filed their opposition to Noynoy Aquino’s office. The group said Iloilo City did not meet population criteria. The division would also mean more salaries for the congressman and for his staff.
I see no harm in the redistricting bill. Two Iloilo City congressmen means Ilonggo voices will be heard more in the lower house. If the senate approves the bill and it becomes a law, the city will be electing two representatives in the 2010 general election.
24 August 2008
Bomb Joke at the NAIA
OFWs should be careful in making remarks that could harm them. The OFW did not mean to scare people because he was just joking. However, he has to suffer the consequences of his actions. I just hope that the airport police would be more understanding. If that OFW could not make it to UK days, his UK visa could expire and he could lose his job. His family would suffer for that remark that he made which was only meant as a joke.
President’s Emotional Outburst
The way the Philippine media reported PGMAs emotional outburst was very irresponsible. Depicting PGMA as a brat does not dignify the media and does not improve their journalistic abilities (tabloid reporting). It only shows how lowly our mainstream media are by the derogatory language they use.
People lose it sometimes especially if they are surrounded by incompetent people. The emotional outburst of PGMA only signifies that she’s just a human being like us.
18 August 2008
Musharraf Resigns
The ruling coalition plans to submit the articles of impeachment of Musharraf to the general assembly for sacking the judges who are oppose to him and for declaring national emergency last November. Musharraf’s trouble started during the assignation of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and his big loss in the February elections.
Musharraf is one of US closest allies on the ‘war on terror’. There is no immediate reaction from overseas especially from the White House about Musharraf’s resignation. Pakistan is a highly politicized country. Politicians risk security over personal and political ambitions. Musharraf’s departure will only strengthen the Taliban who are terrorizing the neighboring Afghanistan.
ICPD tightly monitors Frat recruitments
Anyway, there’s a report that the Iloilo City Police District is monitoring the fraternity recruitment in the city. It’s ICPDs response to frat clashes in the City in the recent weeks. The director also said that they will not hesitate to arrest frat members who are involve in the brawl.
Youngsters join the fraternities for several reasons. The selling points of most of the fraternities would be brotherhood / sisterhood. They usually recruit obedient sons / daughters from the far flung towns who new to the city / university. They are lonely and have hard time adjusting to their new environment. Frat leaders would promise campus recognition or popularity to name the few. After that the prospective frat member will go through initiation process like embarrassing himself in the public (e.g. guys wearing ladies bistida in the campus) and going through physical pains (paddling). If you won’t die in the initiation process, you’ll be their brother/sister. Most of the fraternities have Greek alphabet as their names (e.g. Tau Gama, Delta Rhu, etc.).
It never occurred to me to join fraternity while I was in college. I have low tolerance in going through excruciating pain (very coward). I also don’t need affirmation as my friends in the university are influential and known. I was also too busy in my part time job in the food service industry.
I salute the head of the ICPD for initiating the move to curtail violence in the city and the school campuses. It’s the prime responsibility of the police and the university to restore order. However, the parents should also be involved in protecting their children. More often than not, parents are the last people to know that their children are involved in frat violence.
Ninoy Aquino
Cory, the aging and cancer stricken widow of Ninoy, is still active in the media spotlight by criticizing the present administration. Cory should really be blamed to what is happening to our country right now. The Filipino people are still suffering from the ills of her administration. She’s the mastermind of our flawed 1987 constitution that has so many economic hurdles that stops our country from moving forward. She along with the hypocrite CBCP hindered the progress of our nation by their constant threat of destabilization and rallies at the EDSA.
A letter of Ninoy’s brother in law, Ken Kashiwahara was published in the Philippine Star today. Ken willingly give out that Ninoy was expecting to die at the NAIA. They heard rumors weeks before Ninoy departed from Boston that there’s a plan to kill Ninoy. Ninoy was dying at that time and he knows it. He believed that instead of dying from his heart condition, he might as well die a dramatic death at the MIA runway. There’s even the chance that Ninoy himself contacted those people to kill him.
The PR machine of the Cojuanco and Aquino were successful in painting that freedom was restored when the Marcoses fled the country. What the people didn’t realize at that time is that they were only free from Marcoses but not from the economic woes that they face after the Marcos downfall. Democracy and freedom should not only be restricted to the restoration of the voting rights of the people. It should first and foremost address how an ordinary citizen could feed his family. Freedom should tackle and solve poverty. Six years of Cory’s misadministration and the Filipinos are still suffering until now.
13 August 2008
Cha Cha for Federalism
Here are the reasons why I believe that it’s about time to change our Charter:
1) The present constitution has so many provisions that suppresses our competitiveness to the globalize concept of economy.
2) A shift from Presidential System to Parliamentary system would solve any ouster attempt by few pressure groups in EDSA and rogue soldiers from the AFP. In the present form of our government a proper term limit is observed while in a parliamentary form, the any unpopular prime minister would only undergo a vote of ‘no confidence’ and he could easily be removed.
3) Senators must be elected from the State (Federal) to avoid electing popular but incompetent senators.
4) Qualifications for Prime Ministerial job must be raised to avoid electing uneducated and dumb individual for that office.
5) In a centralized government that we presently have, only Mega Manila benefit from the infrastructure and progress. A Federalized republic would solve the issue.
6) A Bangsangmoro State (in the area of the present ARMM) I hope will bring about peace (Inshallah).
7) The Sabah claim must be pursued by our country.
The proposal according to the MalacaƱang source is that they will create a State of Western Visayas. Iloilo of course would be the capital of the new state. Ti, hala bira ilonggo eh!
You know you’re a true blue Ilonggo if:
You know if you're a true blue Ilonggo if:
Your one peso is pisos
You take a bath using a tabo which you call Caltex
Your bathroom has at least one lugod (some has one for every family member)
Your nanay used to make you drink Mirinda or Royal Tru Orange when you have a fever, which is supposed to make you feel better
Sinamak is a staple in your dining table (the best Ilonggo invention if you ask, was even banned on airplanes long before 911)
Your toyo is patis and your patis is Rufina
You use atsuete for your adobo and pinamalhan (pinaksiw)
Your daily meal will likely include laswa, kbl (kadyos, baboy, langka), ginat-an nga tambo with tugabang and okra, ginat-an nga munggo, linutik, apan-apan, etc.
November 1 means eating ibus, suman, suman latik, kalamay-hati, bayi-bayi, valenciana or other native delicacies with glutinous rice and coconut milk
You call your special someone palangga, pangga, langga or ga (means love)
You call your siblings or cousins inday, nonoy or toto and the househelp may call you the same
You call those who are older than you manang or manong
You catch the attention of sales attendants by calling them “day” or “to”
Your childhood games include tumba patis, taksi, panagu-ay, balay-balay, ins, tin-tin baka, etc.
You used to be (or still are) scared to go out at night lest you meet the aswang, tik-tik, tayhu, kapre, kama-kama, morto, etc.
You used to listen (or still listens) to Tiyay Evelyn, Sin-o Ang May Sala, Lain Siya Sa Iban, Probinsyal Jil, and Toyang Ermitanya
Your grandparents read Yuhum magazine
You call a person, thing, place and event “kwan” when you forget it (si kwan, ang kwan, sa kwan) You used to sleep in an aboy-aboy made of patadyong when you were a baby (probably applies only to us below the poverty line)
You understand that “Particulars Keep Out” sign means outsiders keep out (believe me, this sign may look and sound English but only us Ilonggos use it)
You use words such as “ahay” (expression of pity, grief, empathy), “yuga” (expression of disbelief, surprise), “ambot ah” (to say you don’t know, expression of impatience)
You often start your sentence with ti
You say goodbye by saying “halong”
Your favorite cuss words are linte (if you’re slightly pissed off)
12 August 2008
Ang Pinoy at Utang
This case is not only isolated to factory workers. There are office staffs I know who are earning a decent salary but are trapped by quagmires of ‘utang’. There are those who couldn’t even pay for their apartment and electricity bills. Worst, some of them would sell their flesh just to pay for their electricity bill! There are those na makapal na talaga ang mukha na kailangan mo pang ipahiya para magbayad. Believe it or not, their reasons for initiating the ‘utang’ are the same: ‘Nasalanta ng bagyo ang pamilya ko, May nagkasakit sa Pilipinas, Pang piyansa ng Kuya ko, Pang pa facelift ng kabit ko, Pangpa liposuction ng nanay ko, pang pa pader sa bahay ko’ and the list could go on.
I’m not saying that all ‘utang’ are made for the sake of making ‘utang’. There are people who genuinely needed the money so they make a loan. But there are also people who are greedy and would do anything in order to get a loan. I have a simple belief when it comes to loans. ‘Just spend what you earn and do not overspend. The moment you spend more than you earn, you’ll be in trouble’.
Today, I received a forwarded email regarding the swindling Filipino couple in Riyadh. They swindled their friends with the money totaling to Php. 2M. I pity the victims but this incident should give them a lesson not to be too trusting. People are blinded with money and some would even kill for it. The victims could only cry for frustration since there’s nothing they could do to retrieve the money they lost.
China Olym-Fakes
Unbelievable, right? It turned out that some of the fireworks displayed on our TV screens are computer generated images. Most of the shots were pre recorded to avoid accident from the live shots taken by helicopter cameras.
The cute little girl you saw singing at the Olympic opening ceremony was only miming (lip sync) as the real singer was not considered beautiful enough to take the world stage.
I am not at all impressed with the opening ceremony. It’s a so-so performance with hundreds of silly Chinese dancers in elaborate costumes. The director has to use pre recorded shorts and computer generated images to compensate for the poor performance.
Cindy Sheehan qualifies to run against Nancy Pelosi
Cindy Sheehan ‘Peace Mom’ is an anti war activist whose son, Casey died in the tour of duty in Iraq. She gained international recognition when she demonstrated at George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas. Nancy Pelosi on the other hand is the first female House Speaker of the US House of Representative. She’s also the highest ranking woman in America.
The 8th Congressional District of California is said to be the safest Democratic District in the US. Democrats held this congressional seat since 1949. Pelosi also held her congressional seat since 1987 and won 10 congressional races since then receiving almost 75% of the votes cast.
Cindy Sheehan’s campaign may gain media attention but I doubt that she’d win against Nancy Pelosi. She lacks the political clout and experience that Nancy Pelosi have. It was even reported that Nancy Pelosi has never participated in any candidate’s debate.
11 August 2008
KSA Customs Directives
This directive is somewhat similar to the Philippine BOC. The only difference is the amount of money a visitor can bring to the country. In the Philippines, it’s USD 10,000 worth of cash or equivalent.
I doubt if an ordinary OFW could really bring or raise USD 16,000 (SAR 60,000) except if he’s exiting the kingdom and he’s bringing his ESB (End of Service Benefits) with him. It’s not also wise to bring a big sum of money since an OFW could be robbed at NAIA. Most of the OFWs would send the money through a remittance center because it is the wisest thing to do.
Mindanao Muslims are traditionally ruled by the Datu and Sultan. They are not used to democratic process and more often than not wouldn’t submit themselves to democratically elected officials. In the past, elected Muslim officials are believed to be corrupt individuals that would only champion their personal interest rather than that of their people. Oil is not the primary reason why Arab Muslims are rich. It’s because of how they rule their government. They may not be democratic but look at how they run their countries. Saudi Arabia in particular is very strict in their criminal system. That’s the reason for their progress. Why won’t the Philippine government re-install the powers of the Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah and let the Sultan rule ARMM instead?
The ARMM poll results will once again be questioned by the losers. However, this election can also be a chance to change the lives of the thousands of Filipino Muslims living in the Autonomous Region. This is an opportunity to make a great leader. That is, if the elected leader will truly care for his people.
09 August 2008
Let the Games Begin!
I’m not in the US so I was able to watch the opening ceremonies through Dubai Sports channel. The performance and the fireworks do not impress me at all. It’s like watching Miss World in China on a larger scale performance with thousands of dancers. It’s sad that the Games was used for public relations purposes. World leaders did not even bother to question China’s human rights violations particularly the Tibetian issue.
It was earlier reported that the Philippines sent 15 contingents for the 2008 Games. I’m sure they will return home ‘LUHAAN’. Sayang lang ang gastos. Our government could have funded those expenses they incur for the athletes on other social projects that would benefit the poor people. We should stop sending sports contingents in the future since wala namang nananalo.
04 August 2008
Fleeing Hamas, Fatah men enter Israel
The crackdown of Fatah supporters particularly the Hilles clan was launched by Hamas in Gaza City. It was said that the raids were meant to catch the suspected Fatah supporter behind the explosion on 25 July that killed 5 Hamas members. The incident is said to be the bloodiest since Hamas took over the Gaza strip more than a year ago.
The Palestinian in fighting has become so bitter that Palestinians themselves fear Israel less than they do each other. Israel on the other hand believes that it’s their responsibility to support Abbas who is negotiating with the Israeli government. They would never tolerate the radical Hamas who they claim is a terror organization.
The Palestinian in fighting will never benefit the Palestinian people. They must unite and support Mahmoud Abbas if they want peace. Deaths would only divide their fragile nation. The Palestinians must throw politics away if they want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
29 July 2008
SONA 2008
The constitution is clear in saying that only the President has the right to issue the SONA. The broadsheets, tabloids, militants and opposition leaders who are against PGMA have no right to issue any SONA. If they really want to issue SONA ‘Mag presidente muna sila’.
Here are the major points that a leading broadsheet (it’s actually a tabloid pretending to be a broadsheet) says are the true SONA.
1. Poverty. It is just a convenient excuse to blame rising poverty in the Arroyo Administration. Statistical data can be manipulated and the sample size does not represent the whole segment of the Philippine population. It is therefore inaccurate and must not be used as a basis to a conclusion.
2. Hunger. The president must do everything she can to alleviate the poverty and hunger but she should not be held responsible to the indolence of her people. Lazy people who are hungry because of their indolence have no right to blame the president because they are lazy. They should find work in order to put bread in their tables. Sadly, poor people have more children that they could not even feed.
3. Crime rate. We have to blame the sensationalize type of journalism that is practiced by our media people. Our media is guilty of highlighting the gruesome deaths; rapes and bank heist stories and often blame it on the law enforcers. Effective law enforcement and government control on the media should be put into place for our country to be a better place.
4. Employment. Our government’s effort to bring in investors does not work since abusive media and obstructionist opposition parties are projecting a bad image to our country. The investors often believe the very worst in the Philippines when in fact, in reality we’re better off than other third world countries. The lost of investors trust means no investment to our country and no employment. Filipinos have to go to other countries to find job.
5. Education. Let’s face it, if you are not schooled, nobody will hire you. We’re living in a competitive world. People have access to education or vocational courses like in TESDA. It’s up to them if they want to enroll or not. They should not blame the government if they can’t find job because they lack the qualification.
6. Health. Our media would always paint a bad picture of our health sector. They just can’t help it. They always want to put the government down. They overlooked that the poor are given free PhilHealth coverage.
7. Corruption. Corruption is a way of life. It’s deeply rooted in our culture and can never be eradicated. Corruption can be found from root to the top in government service and even in private sectors. It’s not the President’s fault if people are corrupt. She did everything she could to combat it but regardless, corruption will never be erased in our consciousness. We need a national renewal if we want to get rid of this bad attitude.
People have the wrong notion that the President can do everything. She’s blamed for everything from typhoon to flash flood, from Batanes to Jolo, from corruption to the clothes she wear. Believe me; the next President will inherit all the blame. Opposition leaders and militants would still rally and chant “Ibaba ang Presidente! No to Imperyalismo! Talamak na katiwalian! Tuta ng mga Kano!”.
22 July 2008
Top war crimes suspect arrested in Serbia
The arrest was welcome by several governments and lauded Serbia for their commitment to the International Criminal Tribunal.
Nang Dahil sa Tatoo
One good thing in the Kingdom of the Sand is that laws are laws. If you violate a law, you’ll have to pay for it. They wouldn’t hear any excuses. We are guests’ workers in this kingdom. The authorities here expect us to follow the laws. I don’t pity the ‘Kabayan’ who was deported. He knows the consequences of his actions but he chooses to ignore it.
21 July 2008
PGMA intervention saved 24 OFWs from execution
This is the problem with the government run enterprises. It’s not efficiently and professionally run. This should be the number one priority of Winston Garcia and not meddling in the affairs of the MERALCO. The poor victim’s problem will never grab the national headlines if she did not die at the GSIS office. It took one member’s life before GSIS took action.
16 July 2008
Imagine a world without Filipinos
Who cares if we run the households, ships, hospitals, hotels, offices in the world? We are also the bar girls / boys in Japan and Brunei. What I am saying is “There are good and bad apples”.
AKP had been undermining the Turkey’s constitution by imposing Islam on Turkey. The ruling party also campaigns to lift the ban on headscarves on all government establishments and universities. The first lady of Turkey is the number one violator of the law by wearing the headscarf on public places and ceremonies.
No one should be above the law. Winning the majority of seats in the parliament is not an excuse to violate it.
Omar Khadr Interrogation Video
The lawyers of Omar Khadr’s family issued the video in order to pressure the Canadian government to seek custody of the young boy before he is prosecuted for war crimes by the US Authorities.
The video shows a young Omar who helplessly cries for his mother.
The Canadian Intelligence officers shamelessly tortured the boy while interrogating him. The boy first thought that they were there to help him. Instead, he was subjected to several leading questions that a minor could not handle.
The United States Guantanamo prison facility is the opposite of what America stands for. It’s a place of torture for the innocent people that America dubbed as ‘Terrorists”. The Guantanamo facility is also a place where violations of US and International laws are made by the Americans who claims to be the champion of democracy and human rights!
15 July 2008
Venezuela is Miss Universe 2008!
Ever since Dayana Mendoza won the Miss Venezuela 2007 pageant, she was bookmarked to win the Miss Universe 2008 crown. She previously competed in the 2001 Elite Model contest in France and eventually became a professional model sashaying the runways of Paris, Milan, NY and Tokyo. Dayana is the right girl that MUO is looking for: A model, fresh and vibrant.
I never thought that the MUO would crown a Venezuelan after the headache that Alicia Machado (Miss Universe 1996) caused them that it’s impossible to even think of Dayana Mendoza winning. Since 1996, Venezuela produced 4 First Runners Up (1997,1998, 2000,2003), 1 Second Runner up (2007), 1 Third Runner up (2001), 2 Fourth Runner up (2002, 2005), 1 Top 5 (1999) and 2 Non Semi Finalist Placements (2004, 2006). Dayana’s victory means 5 Miss Universe crowns for Venezuela (tied with Puerto Rico).
The Jennifer Barrientos, Philippine delegate for Miss Universe did not place in the pageant. For the first time in the Miss Universe history, the Miss Photogenic was not awarded. Jennifer Barrientos could have easily won it with the help of her overzealous compatriots. The three C’s (Colombia, Cumbia and Cubao) according to the pageant analysts are the factors to be blamed for the non placement of our delegates in the international scene. Colombia (helps train Filipina beauty queens) and Alfredo Barraza (Evening gown and National Costume designer) are allegedly sabotaging the chances of our delegates by giving them wrong packaging and ugly gowns. Cumbia boutique’s (Owned by the Aranetas) array of gowns and cocktail dresses are not exactly fashionable. Most of their (Cumbia) dresses have been used by previous queens in other pageants. Cubao (refers to BPCI and Madam Stella) needs young blood and needs to change. Stella Marquez de Araneta, Pitoy Moreno and the oldies in the BPCI board should step down. We need somebody like Inez Ligron (National Director of MUJ) to change BPCI.
14 July 2008
Pila Balde in New Lucena, Iloilo
The girl shouldn’t have accepted the invitation of the guys (who happens to be her friends). However, she thought that those guys are her friends and she willingly give in to their invitation. It never occurred to her that the guys have other plans. I pity the girl because she’s a victim of a heinous crime. Our law should be tough on the suspects so it won’t happen to others. We should not blame the victim instead we should hold our hands in supporting the victim in her quest to get the justice she deserved.
Cut the Remittance Fee
An ordinary Saudi based OFW would pay the range of SR 15-30 for transfer fee plus another Php 150 (Province) or Php 50 (Manila).
Travel Advisory on Mindanao Travel
13 July 2008
Neri to SSS
The appointment of Romulo Neri to the SSS would not have been a controversial one it he was not involved with the ZTE Scandal. The ZTE scandal was politically motivated and created by the opposition. It has proven nothing and overshadowed the qualifications of Romulo Neri. Neri’s more than capable of handling the SSS considering that he used to head the NEDA.
Corazon de la Paz’s call to the SSS members to protect their contribution is just a call of concern. The media should not blow it out of proportion. Let’s give Romulo Neri a chance to serve SSS before we judge him. PGMA will not give him the SSS portfolio if he is not capable.
08 July 2008
Recent Poll says Clinton supporter won’t vote for Obama
I was devastated and bitter when Hillary Clinton lost her chance in clinching the Democratic Presidential Nomination. It would take years before I’ll recover.
Bishop vows to lobby against pending reproductive health bill
The ballooning population of the Philippines must be curtailed in order for our economy to grow. Below average Filipino income earners tend to have more children than the above average income earners. In layman’s term, ‘Kung sino pa ang mahihirap, sila pa ang maraming mga anak”. The poor man’s children will remain poor because their parents could not afford to send them to school. This will create another cycle of poverty that would last for generations. This is why it’s very important for our government to have a concrete reproductive health program so that poor and illiterate people will be educated and will have an opportunity to choose which birth control process is suited for them.
However, the greedy priests (CBCP) do not want our government to have a concrete reproductive health program. They expressed their displeasure of the pending reproductive health bill in the congress stressing that it’s an anti life bill. Reproductive health must be a choice. People must have the right to choose which family planning methods they want to use. The CBCP advocated a more natural method which is often a failure. They (CBCP) want more children since more children mean more business opportunity for their thriving church. Catholicism is the number one cause of poverty in the world. All of the catholic countries including the Latin America, the Philippines with the exception of France, Italy, Spain & Portugal are poor.
A concrete reproductive health is the only way for our country to move forward. Let’s support our government so they will not back away from the pressures of the CBCP (the hypocrites).
07 July 2008
Pinoy Kidneys for Sale
Just recently the Department of Health (DOH) said with finality that they will not anymore give consideration to foreign nationals when it comes to organ donation. The approval of Administrative Order No. 124 or the revised national policy on living non related donors and transplantation prohibit organ donations to foreigners.
I congratulate the DOH for the job well done. I hope that this will be an end to organ transplant exploitation.
Luchi Cruz Valdes
Luchi said in an interview a couple of years ago that being unable to work for about a year is a blessing in disguise. A baby was conceived during that period and she was able to take a much needed rest. Winning the case for Luchi against GMA Network is just a bonus. To Luchi! Congratulations and God bless.
Enrile says no to Senate Inquiry on MV Princess of Stars
The Princess of the Stars Tragedy
The government, Sulpicio Lines (owner of the capsized ship) and the families of the victims are now pointing fingers on who really are responsible for the tragedy that could have been prevented. I pity the families of the victims because no amount of insurance money could commensurate to the lives that were lost.
The government is now on the process of retrieving the dead bodies of the passengers and officers. Identifying the dead bodies will follow. It is very important for the families get their corpses (dead relatives) in order to have a closure.
This will never be the first or the last sea tragedy. The Philippines is an archipelago and sea disaster is very common. The safest travel so far is the air travel. The airline industry should come up with inexpensive and affordable fares so that passengers will have an alternative to the very dangerous sea travel.
24 May 2008
Violence against foreigners in South Africa
Added: Saturday, 24 May 2008, 10:36GMT
26 April 2008
Should Iraq start to finance its own reconstruction?
Added Al Jazeera Website: 26 April 2008 3:18 PM GMT
Should Israel accept a truce with Hamas?
Added Al Jazeera Website: 26 April 2008 9:17 GMT
Should the Pakistani government negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban?
Added Al Jazeera Website: 26 April 2008 2:58PM GMT
20 April 2008
Should Jimmy Carter meet Hamas Leader Khalid Meshaal?
Added Al Jazeera website: Saturday, 19 April 2008, 3:31GMT
Should the UN investigate claims Israel may be deliberately targeting journalists in Gaza?
Added Al Jazeera website: Saturday, 19 April 2008, 3:38GMT
13 April 2008
Will Egypt’s elections ease the country’s woes?
Added: Al Jazeera English Website: Sunday, 13 April 2008, 12:55GMT
Will a new constitution bring peace to Nepal?
Added: Al Jazeera English Website: Sunday, 13 April 2008, 12:53GMT
06 April 2008
The ugly side of being Filipino
I’ve heard several reports about Filipino crab mentality outside the Philippines but I never believed it until it happened to Jester Soldevilla. The columnist thirst to make a small amount of money resulted to his writing a very irresponsible article against his compatriot. The sad thing is that he never offered a retraction and apology to his victim.
The columnist was successful in making all Filipinos in Al Khobar who innocently go to Ramaniyah mall vulnerable to the persecution of the people working for the ‘Commission for the Prevention of Vices’ or the mutawas. It was affirmed with the few raids last Friday in some Filipino establishments in Al Khobar.
The bitter exchanges of hate emails between the supporters of Jester and the writer were something that Filipinos should be ashamed of. I do not condone with those tasteless emails but I can never blame them. They were hurt by what the writer wrote in his article and their thirst for blood against the writer is justifiable.
Corrupt and destabilizer politicians like Cory Aquino has been very successful in inculcating the mob mentality amongst Filipino people. Their vindictiveness has reached overseas where there are Filipinos. We are hurting and fighting each other without admitting who’s at fault. We thought that we can get away with everything. This Filipino attitude will not bring us anywhere. Unless we unite and forgive each other, we will never achieve peace in our country and in the countries where there are large Filipino community.
The Jester Soldevilla and Saudi Gazette writer fiasco has died down but this will never be the last.
02 April 2008
Janina San Miguel

I had the chance to watch the whole show just today and I must admit that the production was one of the best that I’ve seen in the recent years. I was just dismayed that despite the quality of production, Janina’s booboos happened.
Filipinos from all over the world condemned Janina San Miguel for her English. They said that she is an embarrassment to Filipinos who clamed to be the third largest English speaker in the world. Many even called to give up her crown.
If there are people that are not happy with the winning of Janina, there are also those that support her. They said that it was traumatic for a 17 year old girl to be at the center stage of Araneta.
If Janina San Miguel is only joining a Mutya ng Barangay contest, I wouldn’t have minded her English blunder. However, she’s joining the Binibining Pilipinas Pageant that happens to be the most prestigious pageant in the land. As the winner of the Bb. Pilipinas – World title, she earned the right to represent the Philippines in the Miss World Pageant. Many fear that she’ll make a mess of herself at Miss World.
Janina’s English would surely kill Mrs. Sonia Galila, my high school English teacher at Sun Yat Sen High School of embarrassment. Part of Janina’s blunder can be blamed to the Philippines' educational system. There are lawyers that speak Janina San Miguel’s brand of English. The worst thing is, even our teachers could not even speak grammatically correct English.
Janina has at least 7 months to prepare for the Miss World Pageant. I just hope that she can polish her English with proper training. Who knows, she’ll bring home the first Miss World crown for the Philippines.
03 March 2008
Israel’s Offensive on Gaza

Added Al Jazeera English: Monday, 03 March 2008, 09:48 AM GMT
What will a new president mean for Russia?

The victory of Dmitry Medvedev in the recently concluded Russian presidential race is a proof of Putin’s popularity. Dmitry Medvedev’s election will shift the power from the presidential to the prime minister office. Medvedev will eventually relinquish all presidential powers and become a figure head while Putin, as Russia’s newest Prime Minister will hold and exercise all power.
27 February 2008
What does a change of leader mean for Cuba?

Fidel Castro’s legacy is standing up against the empire that is America.
Added Al Jazeera English Website: Tuesday, 26 February 2008, 01:09 PM GMT