17 December 2008

Hail to Muntadar Al Zeidi

Outgoing US President George W. Bush was target of an Iraqi journalist’s (Muntadar Al Zeidi) shoes last Sunday as he spoke in a press conference in Baghdad during his last trip to Iraq. Muntadar Al Zeidi shouted “This is a farewell kiss, you dog.” while throwing his shoes at Bush. Soles of shoes are considered the ultimate insult in Arab culture. After Saddam Hussein’s statue was toppled in Baghdad in April 2003, many onlookers beat the statue’s face with their soles.

Meanwhile, some journalist present during the press conference stood up to apologize. Bush however said that he isn’t bothered by Muntadar’s gesture. Al Bagdhdadia Channel, Al Zeidi’s network was unapologetic about Zeidi’s behavior. They were only pressing for the release of Zeidi as they are afraid of his safety in the hands of the Iraqi authority.

“It serves him right” those are the words that I hear from all my Saudi friends. I totally agree with them and I can’t blame them for saying that. In fact, George Bush deserved more than that. Barack Obama and the United Nations should consider filing a case against him for war crimes and genocide. He is responsible for the quagmire that Iraqi people are experiencing right now.

Zeidi became an overnight sensation in the Arab World. He became a hero by standing up to what he believed in. To Muntadar Al Zeidi, you make your people and the whole world proud of you. Kudos!

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