13 December 2009

Obama escalates war and gets Nobel Prize

I had the chance to watch the BBC Coverage of the Nobel Laureate for 2009. One of the people interviewed there says that ‘Nobel Peace Prize should be given to someone who has actually done something (peace) to the world. It’s not given to those who are willing to make peace or think peaceful thoughts’. What the Nobel Committee did for this year is that, they give the Peace Plum to Barack Obama, somebody who hasn’t really done anything for the World peace. Instead, Obama escalates the war by increasing the US troops in Afghanistan to 30,000. I think that the Nobel Committee was drawn to Barack Obama’s words. Words of hope like ‘they can’, ‘yes we can’. If that’s their criteria, they’re better off giving the award to the reigning Miss Universe. At least the Miss Universe is involved in charitable causes like HIV awareness and helps promotes world peace!

There were reports that the Nobel Committee gave the peace prize to Barack Obama just by being elected to the US Presidency! Mr. Jagland, the chairman of the committee in fact says that Obama’s election brings new tone to international relations because he’s a good speech reader. When I say Obama has not proven anything means that he did not stop a war from happening.

If he has delicadeza, he should have refused the award. Accepting the award with the intentions of troop surge is embarrassing and ironic. The award is for peace and not for war.


Anonymous said...

But didn't they award it too to Yasser Arafat? And Yasser's peace plan was what....?

I've no idea, quite honestly.

On Barack's Peace Prize, I think somehow he did find peace for all of us. And hope, too. (Bush did so much errors in the past that it would take Obama to commit some errors to correct them. At least that's how I view the current situation).

I believe he's going to do his best (during his term) to earn the prize.

Francesca said...

i never trustor pleased with men's blah blah, oh promise me or ek ek awards from any political govt.they gave awards yes, but the agenda is to scratch each other's back later.

some even view obama as the saviour or the messiah, and if he cannot deliver, they blame him.

We must not trust kings and nobles, they are also human beings with limitations like everyone...

the only thing this world will survive is due to divine power, governed with justice.

ayoko ma stress sa situation ng mundo. concentrate na lang ako sa pusa ko, lol