07 December 2009

Adam Lambert on Baba Wawa’s Most Fascinating People List

Adam Lambert, the real American Idol Season 8 winner, is listed in Baba Wawa’s America’s Most Fascinating People of 2009. I emphasized the REAL winner because if the voting was not rigged, he would have won. Fox, the network that broadcast AI in the States is run by conservatives who do not really favor gay people (e.i. Adam Lambert). I’m sure you’ll all agree that Kris Allen’s performance during the entire Season was mediocre. He’s dull and forgettable.

Adam deserved to be in the list. ABC could not deny that fact. Even if they banned Adam Lambert after the AMA incident, they just could not contain Adam’s popularity. In fact, Baba Wawa’s featuring Adam Lambert in her show just says it all.

People are fascinated by him not because he’s gay, wears eyeliner and black nail polish but because of his talent. Adam has amazing vocals but still polite and down to earth. If you ignore Adam’s existence, chances are you’re from the Stone Age. Like most people, I spend my free time googling his name just looking for the news item about him. My friend A. gave me Adam’s two latest Albums.

Adam is that fascinating! If you don’t think so, you must be deaf, dumb and blind.

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