03 January 2010

….. on Climate Change

I am not really comfortable writing about the climate change phenomenon. The reason being is that I am not an environmentalist. I am one of the millions of people who pollute our mother earth. I would really like to mend my ways but in the Kingdom of the Sands (and in the Philippines), there’s no opportunity for well meaning people to change. I know that change comes from within and everyone of us has the capacity to effect change. It would however be very difficult if there’s no support especially from the government or community.

The present problem of climate change did not just come to us overnight. It’s from the years of abuse and neglect on our part. We never realized that the carbon emissions that our factories and vehicles emit will cause a very disturbing effect on our surroundings. We are left to cope with the consequences of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting very fast and that leads to flooding and submerging of low lying land masses. The erratic and unpredictable weather are felt everywhere. We are cutting the trees, our only hope in offsetting carbon emissions. The humankind’s insatiable greed will destroy our planet. Actually, it already did.

Now we have the Copenhagen Accord sponsored by none other than the United States, the world’s number one polluter. The United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol but now wants to police the world with their so called Copenhagen Accord. I’ve watched Vandana Shiva’s interview at Al Jazeera and was so impressed in the depth of her knowledge on Climate Change. What the Copenhagen Accord Ms. Shiva said is undoing all the good initiatives that the Kyoto Protocol created. The good talker US President even claimed at the Copenhagen that it is the first initiative that the world created on climate change. Hello!! The world did not revolve after the election of Barack Obama. The world in 1992 already raised this issue followed by the Kyoto Protocol. The beauty of Kyoto Protocol is it’s a binding treaty and almost all the countries ratified it except for the United States.

The United States almost always have a hidden agenda. I think that sponsoring the Copenhagen Accord is their way of avoiding the carbon emission limit. Ang kakapal ng mukha! They’re the reason why the world is suffering climate change. The most affected pa naman in this case are the third world countries. Kaya nga daw outsourcing was introduced in China and India so that those developing countries will bear the carbon footprints of the United States and other highly industrialized countries. They’re not only outsourcing manpower but also the carbon emissions. Oo nga naman. If the factory is in China, naturally the carbon emissions would come from China. The United States and other highly developed countries on the other hand are spared with carbon emissions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not a faintest idea about the contents of the Copenhagen Accord nor the Kyoto Protocol. Pero isa lang ang alam ko: that US is the number polluter in the world (learned about it from watching Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth).

US has always been like that: Blaming others except themselves. Their 'war on terrorism' killed more numbers than those who got killed at 9/11. They caused a world recession last year. And now they're messing up with the environment.

They're like a spoiled brat who gets away with anything and everything, while others around them suffer.

That's sad...