31 October 2009

Elect Lee Kuan Yew

We often hear calls to elect leaders like Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. However, it is easier said than done in the Philippines. The Filipino people may elect a leader with the qualities of ‘Lee Kuan Yew’ but once he is in the office, they’ll throw whatever garbage and baseless accusations they have towards him. He would have to face several coup de etat, marching priests and nuns, demonstrations in EDSA and character assassination from the opposition. If he survives the office, he’ll leave a broken man.

A leader who mirrors Lee Kuan Yew would have to face hurdles in order to push for reforms. He’ll suffer a great deal of headache if he decides to push through with his agenda of changing the whole political system. The hurdles are the militant organization, priests and nuns, obstructionist oppositions and Filipino people who don’t want change. He would have to suffer low approval rating from the questionable SWS Survey and any other survey firms paid for by the opposing party.

But the most difficult of his entire task is to change his people’s perception. He has to instill discipline and follow the rule of law to his people.

Having given all the uphill battles that the would be ‘Lee Kuan Yew’ will face, it’s time we ask ourselves if we are really ready to elect a leader like him. Electing a leader like ‘Lee Kuan Yew’ means giving away some of our freedom, which are mostly unreasonable. Are we ready to be subjected to be disciplined? Are we ready to put our acts together? Are we ready for the tough love? If we agree to all the questions, it means we’re ready to elect a leader like Lee Kuan Yew.

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