14 September 2009

One More Chance

You will always hear this quotation that says ‘Every body deserves a second chance.’ But it’s easier said than done. If somebody betrayed you or did something wrong to you, it takes time before you can forgive the person. For others it would only take remorse and sincere apology, but for some, it could take years.

As for me, I don’t know the word forgiveness. I do not tolerate people who are abusive. If they did something wrong to me, I consider them dead. I guess that is the best way to deal with those kinds of people.

I however have a differing view in the case of people who committed serious wrong doing to our society. Once these ex con have paid their debt to the society, they deserve a second chance.

Naples in Italy is giving the criminals second chance to rebuild their lives. The ex cons who before their convictions were street muggers, drug traffickers and con artists are hired by the Napoli Authorities to guide tourists in the crime plagued city. The Naples program is the best way to re-integrate the criminals to the society. The program is gaining ground and people are embracing the black sheeps back into its fold.

Similar programs are introduced inside the Bilibid where criminals were given livelihood trainings. The livelihood training will ensure that the ex cons will have the skills to survive once they’re out of jail. The Philippine society is less forgiving when it comes to the ex cons. An ex con will forever bear the scarlet letter and no company or business will risk hiring an ex con.
We hope that Ace Durano, the Tourism Minister will be able to come up with the similar program to that of the Naples. He could integrate ex cons to his Trabaho sa Turismo program.

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