17 June 2009

Iranian vote counting faster than the automated polls

People around the world especially in Iran were surprised about the outcome of the recently concluded Iranian Presidential election. First of all, the high turn out of the voters should have favored the former Prime Minister and opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. Second, the polling was conducted manually and not automated yet the results were known within 12 hours!

Results of the manual election like in the Philippines, particularly the Presidential (election) could last up to more than 30 days before the Poll body could proclaim the winner. In Iran, less than 12 hours after the election, the Ministry of Interior already released the official results. According the Iranian Ministry of Interior, the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahma­dinejad garnered 62% of the votes. People protested that the election was fixed by the Ayatolla. Its result unbelievable and it triggered a mass rally all over Iran. There were reports of death because the revolutionary guards were curtailing the protests.

Iran, after all is not free. It is still ruled by the Ayatolla and the guardian council. They will of course rig the election in favor of those that they support.

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