23 May 2009

Obama to close Guantanamo

True to his election promise, President Obama proposed the closure of the Guantanamo Bay and move terror suspects to regular jails in the mainland United States. His plan was however countered not only by the GOP but by his own Democratic allies in both houses of Congress. He is now faced with the problem of having no budget for that proposal. The House of Representatives threatened to reject all Obama’s budget proposal for the Guantanamo closure.


Americans who started to be paranoid since the 9/11 attacked refuse to accept the proposal that Terror Suspects with jailed in the mainland America and tried on regular courtrooms. Some even suggested that the terror suspects were dangerous as they could spread their religious belief to the American jails.

Budget is important for Barack Obama’s plans to be realized. If this proposal of his will not have enough funding, surely, he will not be able to deliver his election promise.

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