04 August 2012

I’ll be happy for you

For some, being happy for their ex is easier said than done.  Last week, in passing a Junior Staff for our Luxury Compound in Dhahran, mentioned that he was sad when he saw in facebook his ex-girlfriend’s wedding photo.  The JS respects me a lot and even calls me Manong. I think that’s the reason why he opened up.  I told him the usual questions one asks himself if he’s in that situation, are questions like ‘Ano ayhan kung nangin kami?’ and ‘Basi siguro ako na to ara sa laragway’.

He said that there was regret because what they have was not official.  They were MU. yes.  So, in that sense, I don’t think it’s even proper that they call each other their ‘Xs’.  They were both waiting to make it official.  He left Iloilo, moved to another place and even decided to work abroad.  The girl probably thinks that she’s better off with somebody since JS did not say anything to her.  Girl who loves the boy but can’t confess has to be blamed in our culture.  It’s just not accepted.  But in a way, the boy also has fault for not declaring his love for the girl.

I told JS that having regret is just being human.  It’s natural to feel bad and feel sad.  If he did not feel something when he saw the photos, it means he has not loved her.  I also told him that maybe it wasn’t mean to be.  He’s too young I think to settle down.  He looks like he just graduated from high school for goodness sake!  He’s good looking and witty and I think there’s one girl out there waiting for him.

Can we really be happy for our ex? The answer is, YES.  It will be difficult at first but eventually, you’ll be able to move on.  I had my share of heartaches and yes, they don’t last.  It’s just a matter of saying goodbye and hello.  You’ll get used to it, nakakamanhid din.

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