07 December 2011

Ladies on Board!

I attended the presentation of an HR Director in one of our Publicly Listed Companies.  As you know, publicly listed companies are first when it comes to industry best practices.  They should be, and they’re expected to be, precisely because they’re a public company.  His presentation was about the on boarding of women in their organization.

Our HR VP has appointed two ladies to work in our HR Department last year as HR Specialists.  For now they’re on support bases until we moved to our new building, they’ll be full time.  AMG’s plan (I’ll call the HR Director of our public company as AMG), however, is to hire women to work in the production lines.  They will initially be trained to do the routine work in the production line with male supervisors.  Eventually though, they’ll appoint women supervisors specifically for the ladies section.  It’s a grand plan that has been approved already by the public company’s board of director. 

The purpose of his meeting our two women HR Specialists was to roll out the same plan to the Group.  It’s not going to happen anytime soon but the proposal was positively viewed.  If that the plan happens, it’s going to be another success stories in the long history of our Group. 


Will there be shakeup in the production line once this plan is pushed through?  There will be but it’s not going to be in the near future.  The implementation of the on boarding of women in the production line takes a lot of time and resources.  Resources could mean investing on the new production line, recruitment costs for the women workforce and training costs.  It’s going to be a major challenge.


Hiring female in our workforce will not address any social ills in the Kingdom of the Sands.  It will though, teach women to be self-sufficient and learn to stand in their own two feet.  They will not anymore rely in their male family member to support them.  It will also not solve the high unemployment rate of women in the Kingdom of the Sands.  I think that issue should be dealt with by the government sector.  What we in the private sector could do though, is to set up a benchmark of the program, a model for other companies in our Group to follow.


We’re not the first company to hire women in the Kingdom of the Sands but if the plan pushes through, given the go signal of the board of directors, it’s going to be another legacy and success story for our Group.  And it’s going to be an honor to be part of its implementation. 

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