11 July 2009

What now for Iran?

A government should be able to discipline its people. People should never be allowed to go to the streets to protest because they feel like it. It scares away the investors and bring bad signal to the world. Of course, it’s a major cause of traffic jam which has a great effect on the country’s economic activities.

I salute the Iranian authorities for curtailing the violence that the post election protest generated. According to the Iranian authority, the rallies are funded for by the CIA. The primary purpose of the United States in funding the rallies is to destabilize the country, embarrass the Iranian government, thereby bringing regime change. The regime change should of course favor US agenda. Again, US have been involved in the past by overthrowing the democratically elected Iranian government. It should not be a surprise if they would do the same thing. Sadly, the United States never learned the lessons that history thought them.

AJE / Your Views Posted on Monday, 06 July 2009, 03:14 PM KSA Time

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