29 July 2009

Nelson Mandela’s Legacy

On 19 June 2009, Nelson Mandela celebrated his 91st birthday. Nelson Mandela is the living symbol of the anti apartheid movement in South Africa. He was convicted for several crimes and was jailed for 27 years by the S.A court. In 1990, he was released from prison, supported the reconciliation and negotiation for the transition to the multi racial democracy in South Africa. He won the 1993 Nobel peace price for advocating peace and reconciliation.

Nelson Mandela inspired many people all over the world for his peaceful advocacy in bringing together South Africans regardless of the color of their skin. Instead of fighting back, he forgave his jailers and accusers. That earned the respect of people around the world. His virtues made him a larger than life living legend. Nobody could surpass is achievements.

If Filipinos and its leaders can only emulate Mandela, by the grace of God, maybe we will become a better nation.

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